Getting to know Joanne Tipper

3rd March 2021

Joanne Tipper joined the Leonard Curtis family last October as Business Developmetn Manager for Chester and North Wales. We get to know more about one of our newest team members. 

Would you rather go back in time or travel to the future, and why?
Definitely to the future beyond this pandemic, but put the world on pause so not to advance in years age wise!

What would your Mastermind specialist subject be?

Oh gosh, I think this when I occasionally watch it, no idea I’d have to study long and hard. If Covid has proven one thing it’s that I’m rubbish at quizzes!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I love to travel and experience new places, so anywhere, but I always like to come home, nothing like your own bed, pillow and duvet.

If your life was a song, what would it be?

Depends on my mood, music can really lift you.  I am really missing singing my heart out in the car to and from work though.

What would you most likely become famous for?

Saving the world from climate change.

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

To make people be more kind.

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

In the normal world, socialising with friends, family, dining out and trying new restaurants.  Live music gigs and the theatre. I love to travel too just being outdoors.

How would your friends describe you in 3 words?
Not sure to be hones, you’d have to ask them!

Get in touch with Jo on or 01244 257878.

03300 242 3333