Lifecycle Seminar: Making Tax Digital with Rebecca Benneyworth

13th May 2022

We are delighted to have Rebecca Benneyworth join us for the first time to present an update on Making Tax Digital (MTD) on Thursday 19th May 2022. Rebecca is a Chartered Accountant in practice, but is best known as a lecturer and author on a variety of tax matters – including MTD.

This session will set out the key information that you need now to prepare for implementation of Making Tax Digital for Income tax. The detailed content will be based on the MTD Regulations published in September 2021. The session will cover the following areas and explain what you will need to do once MTD is up and running.

  1. Digital start date – how to identify it and what it signifies
  2. What are the ‘digital obligations’?
  3. Quarterly updates – when, how and what?
  4. End of period statement – the EOPS – how will this work?
  5. Software, spreadsheets, digital records and digital links
  6. Exemptions from MTD

Join us live via Zoom 12pm – 1pm – Book your place

Lifecycle seminar events are exclusively available to Lifecycle members. If your contacts would like to join us at our upcoming events, they will be asked upon registration to confirm they are happy to become part of the Lifecycle network and to continue receiving electronic communication from us.

03300 242 3333